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    About us

    We are an eight-year non-public school with the rights of a public school. For almost a decade, based on universal values: respect, tolerance, openness - we have been educating young people who are empathetic, aware of their value, independent in thinking and acting independently. For us, every child is talented and each has many talents - those visible and those that we help to discover.

    Our Mission

    It's JOY - LEARN - PASSION. We believe that the most important thing in exploring the world is the JOY of the mystery discovered, the goal achieved and the difficulties overcome. We do everything to make LEARNING at our school the greatest adventure leading to getting to know the world, seeing its beauty and understanding what it is like. We help students discover their PASSIONS, thanks to which they can enthusiastically pursue their goals.


    At Gaudeamus school, the BILINGUALITY program is a priority. From the first days our students are immersed in English. Thanks to this, they speak, read, write, understand and think in English, are able to function in an English-speaking environment without restrictions (foreign travel, getting to know other cultures, establishing relationships). They have a wider range of further education options (international baccalaureate, studies in English, studies abroad), they learn new foreign languages faster and easier (e.g. Spanish, which we teach from the first grade).

    What skills will your child develop
    at Gaudeamus Bilingual Primary School?

    Free communication and thinking in English​

    Self-learning ability

    brain, neuroscience, neurology, organ

    Concentration and memory


    Creative, innovative thinking outside the box

    Initiative and entrepreneurship

    icon/augmented realityCreated with Sketch.

    Wise use of modern technologies

    Believing in your own strengths and abilities

    Building valuable relationships and cooperation

    A healthy, active lifestyle

    Our residential schools

    Gaudeamus Bilingual Primary School
    Bemowo ul. Lazurowa 67, Warsaw
    tel. 733 363 303
    Gaudeamus Bilingual Primary School
    Józefoslaw Ul. Ogrodowa 20 b, Józefoslaw
    tel. 690 999 126

    We also invite you to our 11 kindergartens and 5 nurseries Orange Ciuchcia
    and to the Go Montessori kindergarten and nursery

    Bilingual Kindergartens and Preschools Orange Choo-Choo

    Our priority is to equip children with competences that will help them succeed in the future. In a friendly, warm atmosphere, we discover and develop individual talents, maintaining a balance between learning and fun.

    Nurseries Orange Choo-Chooss

    In our facilities, we care about good and friendly adaptation, meeting the needs and comprehensive development of each baby.

    Gaudeamus Bilingual Schools

    Our doors are open to everyone who wants to develop in the spirit of supporting the dominant intelligences and strengthening the weaker ones.

    Bilingual Kindergarten and Nursery Go Montessori

    It is a kindergarten of a unique philosophy: modern, bilingual, ecological, immersed in the Pedagogy of Maria Montessori. 

    Parents About Us

    Is Gaudeamus the school for you?
    and your baby?

    At Gaudeamus school, the BILINGUALITY program is a priority. From the first days our students are immersed in English. Thanks to this, they speak, read, write, understand and think in English, are able to function freely in an English-speaking environment (foreign travel, getting to know other cultures, establishing relationships). They have a wider range of further education options (international baccalaureate, studies in English, studies abroad), they learn new foreign languages faster and easier (e.g. Spanish, which we teach from the first grade). 

    In addition, our students have the opportunity to take Cambridge exams. The younger ones joining YLE, Key and Preliminary are introduced to the examination environment in a comfortable and stress-free way, and the older ones - joining First for Schools and Advanced - can gain qualifications useful in further learning, and in the long run - necessary for work.

    Every day, with JOY AND PASSION, we accompany our students on their educational journey, we support and inspire them to be creative. We work mainly using the project method, field activities, we promote out-of-school and interdisciplinary forms of implementing the core curriculum as well as activities that develop students' interests and talents. Teachers do not play the role of experts, but advisers, observers, and their main goal is to equip each student not only with knowledge, but also with specific skills that will help him cope in the future.

    In our school, teachers use formative assessment. In practice, the student receives fewer grades, and more often feedback from the teacher: what did he do well, what and how should be improved, in what direction should he develop further. Thanks to this, we support our students in the process of learning and acquiring new skills, we give them the right to make mistakes, and we do not hold them accountable for what they do not know yet. We build a partnership between the teacher and the student, which increases the student's motivation and involvement in the learning process.

    We are aware that the accumulation of knowledge is not the same as development, and school knowledge and skills are one of many areas of life and development of students. That is why we apply the principle WE ASK WITH SENSE. Thanks to this, we leave children and young people space for personal development, self-awareness, social relations, and talent development.

    Our teachers:

    •     differentiate tasks depending on needs,
    •     know that not all students must be given homework,
    •     prepare work for willing students, thus giving them the opportunity to independently decide on its implementation,
    •     do not assign homework out of habit,
    •     they do not assign material that was not covered in class - they know that homework should practice the skills acquired during classes.

    In Gaudeamus schools, we guarantee education in the spirit of POSITIVE DISCIPLINE. We will equip your child with social skills that will help him build lasting relationships and make friends with his peers. We will help him discover how capable and competent he is. We will strengthen self-esteem, self-confidence, internal motivation to act. We will teach effective communication, problem solving skills, self-reliance and independence.

    Classes in our common room are primarily to develop the talents and passions of students and support the comprehensive development of personality. As part of club activities, we offer our students, among others: clubs run by day-room teachers and interest clubs run by subject teachers, movement games and activities, art competitions, reading books, board games and many others. We make sure that children spend as much time as possible outdoors. Willing students can do their homework every day under the supervision of a teacher, as well as improve their skills in reading, counting and writing.

    We believe that physical development is an important element of education. That is why we provide students with professional sports facilities. During physical education lessons, extracurricular activities and recreational breaks, our pupils can use a large sports field, playground, health path and a large, modernly equipped gym suitable for volleyball, basketball and handball. We want our students to grow up to be active, athletic and healthy people, which is why we make every effort to create the best conditions for them.

    In our schools, we provide three delicious, healthy, balanced meals prepared in our own, professionally equipped kitchens under the supervision of a dietitian. We educate our students about the importance of rational nutrition and a diet rich in seasonal fruit and vegetables, limiting the consumption of highly processed food and added sugars.

    School and family are two environments that have a special impact on a child. The effectiveness of this influence is conditioned by mutual and close cooperation. We are very interested in successful cooperation with the parents of our students. That is why we regularly invite parents to meetings with teachers and the school counselor. We undertake numerous projects aimed at integrating the entire school community, i.e. students, parents and teachers.

    NSP Director
    Gaudeamus Jozefoslaw

    Monika Prus

    Gaudeamus school is a place where, based on universal values: respect, tolerance, and the rule of law, we educate young people who are ambitious, aware of their value, independent in thinking and acting independently.

    My students are exceptional young people who, discovering their talents and passions, are happy to learn about the world around them. 

    My teachers are committed, passionate teachers, thanks to whom our students can spread their wings and discover the world with joy.

    my success it is the peace that I have in my heart, the trust that people around me have for me and my inner strength that gives me the feeling that nothing is impossible..

    I'm proud for being brave and never giving up. I can defend my opinion with respect for others. 

    My passion it's music that makes me relax and traveling that allows me to admire the beauty and diversity of the world and people around us.

    NSP Director
    Gaudeamus Bemowo

    Arthur Stepniak

    Gaudeamus school is a place where I can realize my vision of education and cooperate with many people who enrich my idea of a school based on modern, student-friendly and relationship-based education.

    My students are the joy that I derive from the opportunity to observe their development and the hope for a better tomorrow.

    My teachers are my inspiration, the source of many wonderful memories and the team that I can always count on (and always with each other ...;-))

    My success is every next day when I see how much I have already achieved and how much I can change for the better in my professional and personal life.

    I'm proud of the fact that for fifteen years of my professional work I manage to combine it with raising three children and with my private life.

    My passion is bicycle, recently especially trips with my family around Kampinos, but the bicycle has accompanied me since my teenage years and at many different moments in my life it was a rescue, a springboard, or simply a wonderful way to spend free time with my family.

    Supplementary recruitment for the 2023-2024 school year is underway